Song Usage

All of the songs in Soundcloud are licensed w "All Rights Reserved.” However you can still use my songs, depending w a condition. But as much as possible:

Common sense but, please do NOT use my songs for any controversial stuff (be it law/political/religious-related). Also refrain from using it against something and using it for offense…

For public distribution, credit me as the artist and ask permission first so I can grant it to ensure it is safe to use. (If you do, contacting me on soundcloud isn't recommended… I have no idea if you are a bot or not.) Especially in the case of unofficial charts in rhythm games, NOT all songs can be used since I don’t have the full right for some of the songs such as the compositions I contributed to MeteoroStriker. These are the songs that cannot be used in anyway:

One more thing, do not sell these distribution (unless if its getting monetized, that's fine~)
For private uses (such as sharing to others or what-so-ever) – no need permission or anything like that… obviously-